Thursday, December 23, 2010

2 more sleeps until Christmas!

Tonight we went out on our twinkle tour!  After supper we got the boys into their pjs and headed out on the search for impressive Christmas light displays. (if you are sick of pictures of babies being cute in carseats, or having their starbucks in their carseats you might as well stop here!)

Here are the boys ready to head out!
Matty loving his blankie
 Nate loving his thumb
 and Luc loving a little tail!
 This is one of the good houses...doesn't it look mystical through the "fog" hahaha!
 the other good house....that's right we only found two good houses!
 We also stopped for hot chocolates/empty cups while we were out and about!
Nathan and his cup
 Matthew and his
 Lucas and his
 Daddy and his
 Mommy and hers!
Although we did not find many elaborate houses, I would consider this year a success compared to last year...if you can't remember why click here to find out!

1 comment:

The Roths said...

I am happy this year was a success because we are too far away to come and get you out!

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