Now that the boys are crawling they have been getting into all kinds of "trouble". The new most commonly said phrase in our house has become "where is Lucas?". Although they are all on the go all the time he is the one that seems to wander away the quickest and most frequently! Here are some pictures of some of the new things the boys have become interested in now that they can get to them!
1. The toilet...well maybe just the bathroom in general. The doors to the bathrooms stay closed almost all the time but if we leave one open it does not take the fellas long to get in there!
2. The pantry - the boys are quicker than Bones to get into the pantry when the door is open. I can barely get anything out of it without one of them ending up in there...makes it tough to bake!
3. Pots and Pans - the new favorite drums!
4. The behind the door thingy - the boys discovered one of these at Dr.Atchison's last week and now they love to play with it!
5. The printer - we try to block it off but no matter what we put around it the boys get into it...we are currently seeking out a new home for it!
6. Bones' food and water - if it is down the boys are in it...poor Bones now only gets to eat and drink when she is outside or when the boys are asleep!
7. The vacuum - FAVORITE TOY EVER!!! They like everything about the vacuum...the hose, the nozzle, and where it hooks upto the wall. I love Nathan's expression in this picture...way too funny!
I've said it before, but I swear our triplets lead parallel lives! They get into all the same things! I actually had to remove all the "behind the door thingys" because I have found the rubber stoppers AND the whole spring thingy in 2 mouths! Even when I thought they were on tight enough that no baby could get them off, they DID and somehow unscrewed or pulled out the whole spring too!! Scared me to see them chewing on it! My kids are houdinis apparently!
Is it a boy thing? Ours are doing the same things,'s getting worse, not better!
SUCH a fun age! You're doing such a great job of keeping up with it all and blogging...I seriously can't find the time lately! With Hawaii and the wedding coming up, I feel like I never have a free moment! Hopefully when we get back things will get back to normal around here and I can get back to a little blogging. I miss it!
Stacey Lee - This Blog just keeps getting BETTER and BETTER! I absolutely LOVE it! Don't ever, ever stop! Hope to see you all again soon. We LOVE you All!
Auntie Sue
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