Which of the fellas do you think will be the first one to walk?
20 things to do before the boys turn 2!
1. Take them to the farmers market - DONE
2. Take them to the Zoo - DONE
3. Take them to Zoolights - DONE
4. Go to the pumpkin patch - DONE
5. Run a 5km with the boys in their strollers
6. Take them out on the ODR
7. Go Camping - DONE
8. Go on some sort of overnight roadtrip - DONE
9. Take them swimming - DONE
10. Plant a tree for Lucas - DONE
11. Plant a tree for Matthew - DONE
12. Plant a tree for Nathan - DONE
13. Take the boys to a rebels game - DONE
14. Take the boys to the Little Ice Cream and Soda Shoppe for their first ice cream - DONE
15. Get them each a pair of shoes (that's right they still have not had shoes on their little feet) - DONE {thanks Silers!}
16. Get a swimming pool for the backyard to splash around in - DONE...although it has not been warm enough to use it yet!!!
17. Go for a BBQ to one of the parks - DONE
18. Go on a sleigh ride
19. See each of the boys learn to walk - DONE
20. Hear each of the boys have their first word - DONE
Our Family
Nathan's Current Stats
Weight:23.5lbs Favorite toy: taggie, and all the cleaning supplies Favorite food: peaches Likes: baths, climbing, running, cleaning, playing with bones, answering the door Dislikes: being told no, getting out of the tub
Updated December 19
Matthew's Current Stats
Weight: 25lbs Favorite toy: blankie, swiffer Favorite food: whatever is in front of him Likes: running, baths, cleaning, climbing, playing with bones, answering the door Dislikes: having his nails clipped, being told no
Updated December 19th
Lucas's Current Stats
Weight: 23lbs Favorite toy: Scortch, cleaning supplies Favorite food: oatmeal Likes: baths, cleaning, climbing, running, taking his diaper off, playing with bones, answering the door Dislikes:coming out of the bath, being told no
Luc-ers and matty look SOOOO much alike in these pics!!
Sooo cute. Just pinned a decorating idea with large black and white photos. Hmmmmm... might look good in my house. Mom
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